Drunk Driving Statistics and Resources

drug and alcohol awareness month

While millennials drink more than Gen Z, they also show signs of reduced drinking in comparison to Generation X, some 80 percent of which report consuming alcohol, according to neuroscience app Reframe. According to Mental Health America, there are more than 150 million men in America; 6 million men suffer from depression each year, and it often goes undiagnosed. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States, according to a USA TODAY report on mental health statistics. Tough enforcement of drunk-driving laws has been a major factor in reducing drunk-driving deaths since the 1980s. Charges range from misdemeanors to felony offenses, and penalties for impaired driving can include driver’s license revocation, fines, and jail time.

National Depression Screening Day

It’s no secret that alcohol is part of the American “college experience” for many, and a student’s first college party, drinking game, or hangover could even be considered a rite of passage in some circles. While it’s important to acknowledge that these things are happening on campus for some students, it’s also critical to educate students about the risks involved in using and abusing alcohol. We recognize that prevention happens every day, not just during the second week of May. As such, National Prevention Week is shifting to celebrate and promote your year-round prevention initiatives. SAMHSA created a new, ongoing virtual series to showcase, elevate, and celebrate the important prevention ideas, events, news, and activities that impact communities across the country. Throughout the year, the series will spotlight prevention organizations that are creating positive social impact, fostering collaboration, and effectively responding to the changing substance use landscape.

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Either directly or indirectly, we all feel the effects of aggressive behavior, property damage, injuries, violence, and deaths that can result from underage drinking. One of the immediate risks of alcohol misuse is an increased likelihood of accidents and injuries. Impaired coordination and judgment, common under the influence of alcohol, can lead to falls, car accidents, and other unintentional injuries. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences. The NCADD encourages people to participate by wearing red ribbons, talking with kids and teens about alcohol, hosting dry parties, having conversations with friends and family about drinking, and having an alcohol-free weekend.

The Official Website

The 45-to-49 age group had the highest percent, 37%, of drunk motorcycle riders killed in 2022. Know that alcohol steadily decreases a person’s ability to drive a motor vehicle safely. Because of the number of factors that affect BAC, it is very difficult to assess your own BAC or impairment. People often think they are “fine” after several drinks – but in fact, the failure to recognize alcohol impairment is often a symptom of impairment. Alcohol is a substance that reduces the function of the brain, impairing thinking, reasoning and muscle coordination. Unfortunately, rates of driving while impaired has increased, according to a 2016 presidential report.

drug and alcohol awareness month

Arizona providers and patients put state on notice that they’ll sue over Medicaid fraud

Regular naltrexone use can also increase the sensitivity of opioid receptors, a process known as upregulation. As a result, drinking alcohol can feel much more rewarding if naltrexone use is suddenly stopped. This can cause excessive drinking, which is why consistently using naltrexone before every drink is critical for success.

drug and alcohol awareness month

The third week of October is an annual opportunity promoted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to learn about teen driver safety issues. With events hosted on college campuses, military bases and in communities around the country, this event takes place during Mental Illness Awareness Week. September 6 to 12, 2020, is set aside to observe the preventable tragedy of suicide, the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. SAMHSA’s website lists the theme each year and provides resources for organizations and partners to promote the event. The Overdose Awareness Day website provides resources and educational materials for people to learn more about this ongoing issue. In 2021, Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week will be observed from March 22 to 28 to raise public awareness about inhalant abuse, which affects users as young as 10 years old.

By helping people drink less, it reduces the harm they experience from alcohol. Choosing recovery over addiction opens a world of possibilities for living a happy, drug-free life. Let NCADD help you find care in your community, learn more about important health issues, and make informed health-care choices. Dry January is recognized as a time for abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the New Year to promote healthy activities and a fresh start. This works well for “sober curious” people who want to see how taking a break from drinking alcohol can impact their lives. Understanding the impact of alcohol misuse is crucial in recognizing its potential risks and long-term health implications.

Because people feel less pleasure when they drink, they find it much easier to drink less. While this approach is less common in the United States, it has become much more widely used in Europe. “Child development theory shows us that adolescents’ attitudes and behaviors are often a reaction against their parents. In the last 100 years or so that’s typically meant young people reacting against conservative parents by being rebellious. This “plethora of options,” combined with popular celebrities like Tom Holland, Zendaya and Miley Cyrus being openly sober, make it an easier culture not to drink in, Osborne said. “Plus, being drunk a few decades ago might embarrass you in front of a few friends for one night, but social media means now that number could be multiplied massively, and the results could linger forever.”

In January, it found that about one-third of Brits aged 18 to 24 do not drink alcohol at all, while those that do keep drinking for a treat, as a way to relax or to mark a special occasion. This signals a huge shift in culture in the West, how to find a faith-based rehab near you where drinking regularly has long been commonplace. “A surprisingly large proportion of younger legal drinking age communities are now claiming that they abstain from alcohol altogether,” Consumer Research COO Richard Halstead said.

Even if it’s not April, learning to manage stress will lead to a healthier life. Over time, excessive alcohol consumption can cause lasting damage to the brain, affecting cognitive functions and emotional regulation. This can manifest as difficulty solving problems, making decisions, and controlling emotions. The substance’s disinhibiting effects can make individuals more prone to engage in confrontations or become involved in violent incidents. Alcohol Awareness Month is dedicated to increasing public knowledge about the dangers of alcohol and the effects and causes of alcohol use disorder. AHCCCS leader Carmen Heredia told reporters last month that the state agency is a “completely new” organization that has taken numerous steps to prevent future fraud.

Activities and campaigns during Alcohol Awareness Month can reinforce the message that underage drinking is not a rite of passage but a risky behavior that can have serious health and legal consequences. By leveraging this annual observance, communities can foster a culture of awareness and prevention, encouraging teens to make informed decisions about alcohol use. Alcohol101+ is a free program that educates students about alcohol and its impact on the body, teaches responsible decision-making, and educates about blood alcohol content and standard drink sizes. In addition, the Rethinking Drinking website features interactive calculators as well as tips and strategies to cut down or quit drinking. The Alcohol Treatment Navigator walks individuals through the process of finding treatment options and recovery resources. Naltrexone is an FDA-approved opioid antagonist used to treat alcohol use disorder and opioid dependence.

drug and alcohol awareness month

Another critical goal of Alcohol Awareness Month is to promote responsible drinking behaviors and prevent underage drinking. The influence of alcohol marketing, peer pressure, and societal norms can contribute to underage drinking, which can have severe consequences for young people’s physical and mental health, academic performance, and future opportunities. Every April, communities across the United States meet to observe National Alcohol Awareness Month. Founded and sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), this monthlong initiative, established in 1987, aims to reduce the stigma surrounding alcoholism while providing vital information about alcohol, alcoholism, and recovery.

Left untreated, both infections can cause serious health problems, including liver damage, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. Because it engages people with alcohol-treatment professionals, it may help lead people to better recognize the extent of their problem while also giving them the hope and motivation to keep working toward giving up alcohol. As Verywell Review Board Member Dr. John Umhau notes in an article published in Advances in Addiction & Recovery, the Sinclair Method requires a lifetime commitment.

  1. The Sinclair Method can help people reduce their drinking without quitting drinking entirely.
  2. Based on recent program evaluations, students completing Alcohol101+ have reported feeling equipped with information to make responsible choices about alcohol and were less likely to engage in harmful drinking.
  3. Opioids act mainly via the mu receptor, although they affect mu, delta, and kappa-opioid receptors.
  4. By setting clear boundaries and communicating the dangers of underage drinking, parents can help mitigate these risks and guide their children toward healthier choices.

Alcohol is a controlled, legal substance and the most available abused drug in the world. Most civilized societies around the world generally accept alcohol use, and the misuse of alcohol is fashionable within certain social situations. These trends make it difficult to notice when someone is having a dependence issue. The anxiety and inhibition-lowering properties are often seen as a positive side effect of alcohol, but alcohol comes with a long list of negative side effects. If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself, it’s time to rethink the role that alcohol plays in your life. NIAAA has some interactive resources to help you examine your drinking patterns further and, if needed, recognize and search for quality care.

Yet, fewer than half of them receive treatment, and each year, four times more men commit suicide than women. NHTSA demonstrates its commitment to eliminating drunk driving through research, public awareness early signs of liver damage from alcohol: how to tell what to know campaigns, and state safety grant programs. Motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes were found to have the highest percentage (28%) of alcohol-impaired drivers than any other vehicle types.

Of those motorcycle riders, 1,705 (29%) were drunk (BAC of .08 g/dL or higher). In every state, it’s illegal to drive drunk, yet one person was killed in a drunk-driving crash every 39 minutes in the United States in 2022. Drivers with a BAC of .08 are approximately 4 times more likely to crash than drivers with a BAC of zero. At a BAC of .15, drivers are at least 12 times more likely to crash than drivers with a BAC of zero. Send questions, events, and requests to SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week coordinator David Wilson at

BLACK ENTERPRISE spoke with Responsibility.org about educational resources, empowering our community to make smart choices about alcohol, and progress made. NIAAA supports and conducts research on the impact of alcohol use on human health and well-being. The third Thursday of every November, for more than 40 years, has been an opportunity for people to join others in quitting their tobacco habits, whether it’s cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and even vaping.

Over time, this can result in challenges with remembering recent events or information. During the month, the NCADD and other national public health organizations encourage community organizations and healthcare professionals to hold events and offer alcohol-related education materials. By providing parents, educators, and young people with information addicted brain about the risks of underage drinking and strategies for prevention, this initiative works to create a safer and healthier environment for youth. The month-long campaign kicks off this week with its Alcohol-Free Weekend to raise public awareness about the use of alcohol and how it may be affecting individuals, families, businesses and communities.

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